miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009


Were i not here, where would I be?
Would I be anywhere?
Is it possible that we die and we actually do not?
Is it that we leave the flesh and get into another piece of it?
Who knows? I do. But I dont know how yet.
I know I lived here before, I met people whom I today think I dont know or I have never met.
I know you reader (from past times), ...(But when was that?)
I read somewhere that when we leave our spirit free our memory recalls everything which had been lived.
It seems that my memory has been through this step, sometime; sometimes.
But I still want more. I want to know when we met, if you remember me. Was it love, friendship, desire, hate, family or what?
I want to know how many times I was a man, how many times I was a woman. Did I always reach adulthood? Was I wise? Did I dance? Did I love...Did I kill?
I just wanna know, I am eager to learn so I can later teach it.
Do your best reader, make an effort; when and where did we meet before?

Datos personales

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Si bien podras conocerme, por lo que escribo, no trates de saber quien en realidad soy, conoceme por lo que expreso a traves de lo que publico, Juan Judas es ficticio, aunque registro a Isidoro Paz.
